Funding Students' Futures

Decades of Service

1971 to Present

The Greater Denfeld Foundation was established in 1971 with a one-year scholarship for $150. From those humble beginnings, the Foundation has since awarded more than $6 million to deserving Denfeld students, helping to offset expenses directly related to post-secondary education.



Welcoming Support


The Greater Denfeld Foundation is always accepting donations to support Denfeld students and their futures. If you would like to contribute to GDF Scholarship Awards or the GDF Memorial Fund,  which enhances students’ educational experiences while at Denfeld, visit the “About Donating” page.


The Greater Denfeld Foundation’s purpose is to support students of Duluth Denfeld High School by providing awards and scholarships to assist with expenses directly related to post-secondary education. In addition, donations are awarded to staff to provide valuable resources to enhance students’ high school educational experiences.

High school student in a maroon cap and gown, symbolizing Greater Denfeld Foundation scholarships and awards

Scholarships & Awards

Each year, the GDF selects about 50 students for recognition with four-year renewable $3,000 scholarships and one-time awards of at least $1,000.

Adult white female in glasses holding a stack of books, representing educational resources supported by Greater Denfeld Foundation faculty and staff grants

Faculty & Staff Donations

The GDF Memorial Fund provides valuable resources to staff to enhance students' educational experiences.

Crowd of high school students sitting on gymnasium risers, illustrating the impact of Greater Denfeld Foundation scholarships on student support and success

Support Our Students

GDF Annual Awards: Contributions of any amount are accepted to fund one-time awards of at least $1,000.

GDF Memorial Awards: With a contribution of $20,000 or more, a donor may create a named memorial award providing one-time annual donations of at least $1,000.

Renewable Endowed Scholarships: With a contribution of $1 million or more, a donor may establish eligibility criteria for a $3,000 named endowed scholarship, renewable for up to four years.



“This past year of school I built a house from start to finish. It has truly been one of the coolest things I have ever done. I built great relationships and great memories by going to Lake Superior College for carpentry. Also I just want to thank the Greater Denfeld Foundation for helping me, I couldn't do it without your support."
Senior high school photo of Earl Hendrickson giving his testimonial for the Greater Denfeld Foundation
Earl Hendrickson
“Last year was the best year of my life, and I cannot be more grateful that I was able to attend the school of my dreams with the help of the Greater Denfeld Foundation ... I created some of the best artworks in my time as an artist, discovered new passions, and met some incredible people last year. Thank you.”
Senior high school photo of Hartley Bauer giving her testimonial for the Greater Denfeld Foundation
Hartley Bauer
“I was able to study abroad for nine days in London. This was a life-changing experience and I wouldn't have been able to do it without the scholarships I was given. I had a fantastic year at the University of Minnesota and I am extremely excited to go back.”
Senior high school photo of Elliana Jouppi giving her testimonial for the Greater Denfeld Foundation
Elliana Jouppi
“I would say finding what I actually wanted to do with my life is a major highlight. I feel that education is where I am meant to be … I learned so much about the world and myself at college that I could probably write you an essay!”
Senior high school photo of Vivian Shaffer giving her testimonial for the Greater Denfeld Foundation
Vivian Shaffer
“This first year at college I was able to get involved in many fun activities on campus. I became a part of the University Honors Program which meant I did a lot of volunteering with the Spirit Mountain Ski Patrol as well as taking a really interesting class with a community outreach component. Other extracurriculars included the running, biking, and climbing clubs as well as becoming a part of one of the computer science research labs at the school.”
Senior high school photo of Xander Schroeder giving his testimonial for the Greater Denfeld Foundation
Xander Schroeder