The Funds List

Over $7 Million in Scholarships to Denfeld Students since 1971

Thanks to the countless supporters who love Denfeld High School, the Greater Denfeld Foundation has many funds to supplement the great work of its students, teachers and staff.  “As long as this school exists there will be people benefitting from the kindness of these graduates; that’s a pretty unique and wonderful thing,” Bill Westholm (Denfeld Class of 1966), Denfeld principal (1995-2005) and former President of the Greater Denfeld Foundation, referencing the multi-million-dollar gifts to the Greater Denfeld Foundation by Denfeld graduates Marie Saltwick and Armond Hauge.

Application opens on November 1, 2024

Applications will be closed on January 15, 2025. 

Contact David Hammer at or call or text 218-349-5209 with any questions.

Renewable Student Scholarships

The Marie Saltwick, Armond Hauge, and Mark and Ina Myles Scholarships provide $3,000 renewable grants designed to support four years of post-secondary higher education for Denfeld graduates. Each year, these combined scholarships provide more than $130,000 for first year post-secondary education expenses for nearly 45 deserving Denfeld graduates.

The eligibility criteria are similar for the Saltwick and Hauge scholarships. Applicants must have a 2.8 GPA to apply.

A minimum 2.2 (Hauge) or 2.6 (Saltwick) GPA must be maintained for renewal after year one.

Scholarships can be used at any accredited two or four-year college, university or vocational school. Scholarship recipients can study any subject. Financial need is not a consideration.

The Myles Scholarship requires a 2.5 GPA and is intended for students who plan to enroll at UMD, UWS, Lake Superior College, Northwood Technical College, or Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College. Renewal requires a 2.2 GPA. Recipients can study any subject. Financial need is a requirement.

Marie V. Saltwick Scholarship

$3,000  |  renewable  |  about 15 annually

Marie V. Saltwick graduated from Denfeld in 1925, and attended Carleton College in Northfield, MN, where she studied biology. After spending one year on the Iron Range as a teacher/principal in a two-room schoolhouse, she returned home to take a teaching position at Denfeld in the fall of 1930. Those who knew her say Miss Saltwick was as ordinary as they come, and that she fit the mold of the classic 20th century schoolteacher: “stern and detail-oriented, with a dry wit and that confident way of staring down misbehaving students over the top of her glasses.”

When Miss Saltwick retired in 1971, she became a founding member of the Greater Denfeld Foundation, and served on its Board of Directors into the 1980s. A fellow teacher and Foundation Board member, Jean Endrizzi, said “Marie was very strict in her way. She was demanding, but understanding. If a kid had it, she expected him to perform. If he had lesser abilities, she saw to it that there was a way for that kid to succeed as well.” 

Miss Saltwick lived in Duluth nearly all her life and did nothing extravagant. She never owned a new car and seldom traveled. At 80, she still mowed her own lawn. She led a life of quiet generosity and was always willing to give extra time for struggling students. At home, she cared for her older siblings as well as the parents of some of her colleagues at Denfeld. She was a smart, caring woman who never married and wasn’t one to cause a stir. However, following her death in 2001, Miss Saltwick did cause quite a stir. No one had any idea that she was a millionaire. 

She had left most of her unknown fortune to the Greater Denfeld Foundation for student scholarships. Her gift of $2.7 million allowed the Foundation to increase its annual scholarship allocations from about $8,000 annually in 2000 to over $100,000 per year in 2005. Miss Saltwick recognized and valued good character in the students she taught at Denfeld. Each year, 15 new students, who have demonstrated that same good character, are chosen to receive the scholarship created in her name.

Armond Hauge Scholarship

$3,000  |  renewable  |  about 25 annually

Armond Hauge graduated from Denfeld High School in 1946 and worked as a mechanic for Ryland Ford Company in Duluth, retiring in 1989. In 2006, Mr. Hauge, passed away and left $3.2 million to the students of Denfeld High School, which was used to start another renewable scholarship fund. He got his first job when he was only six years old, helping his older brother deliver the Duluth Herald and News Tribune and later started selling national magazine subscriptions, in addition to his own paper route. By age 12, his sales ability was rewarded with a new bicycle from the magazine company, a goal he had been working toward for three years. Mr. Hauge was a dedicated, hard worker who valued education and wanted to help kids. Because he never married and had no children of his own, he was focused on giving back to his alma mater and helping those who could not otherwise afford to continue their education beyond high school.

Mr. Hauge earned his fortune by being a diligent saver. According to his niece, Juliane Netzel (Denfeld Class of 1965), “From the time he was a youngster, he taught himself to live on half of his paycheck and to save the rest, which led to his substantial investments.” She said her uncle believed in education for everyone, and wanted to help kids go to college. “Education was a big thing for him.”

Every year 25 new students who have demonstrated a strong work ethic are chosen to receive Hauge Scholarships, as Mr. Hauge’s success was due in large part to his respect for hard work and perseverance.

Mark and Ina Myles Scholarship

$3,000  |  renewable  |  about 4 annually

Established in 2024, with a generous $100,000 donation, the Mark and Ina Myles Scholarship is awarded to Denfeld students based on financial need, character, academics, and community service. The scholarship grants four (4) $3,000 scholarships annually, renewable for up to four years, to support postsecondary education costs for those attending designated local public colleges, universities and vocational schools.

Mark Myles was raised on Tacony Street in West Duluth. He attended Longfellow Elementary, West Junior High, and graduated from Denfeld in 1961. His mother, father, four siblings, and several aunts and uncles also graduated from Denfeld. Mark graduated from UMD and UWS, taught in California and Duluth, was a principal in Duluth for 25 years, and was appointed Superintendent of Duluth Schools in 1993. After retirement, Mr. Myles managed the Hartley Trusts for 17 years. Mark’s wife Ina had a career at Westmoreland, Larson, and Hill, designing public relations and marketing programs for financial, medical, and retail organizations. Her interest in students and education helped create the Duluth Open School. She raised money for the Duluth Boys and Girls Club, as well as creating a nonprofit (Program of Promise) that helped students who dropped out of school get back into school or a vocational program.

The first Mark and Ina Myles Scholarship will be awarded in the spring of 2025 and continue through 2035 funded through annual contributions. Both Mark and Ina highly value education and respect the traditions of Denfeld High school. Academically, applicants must have a 2.5 GPA or higher. But the Myleses also wish to support students who otherwise might not be able to afford school. So, they have chosen to add a financial need component to their scholarship. Students who meet the criteria for the State of Minnesota’s North Star Promise Scholarship Program (<$80K family income in 2024) can apply for this scholarship.

Greater Denfeld Foundation Awards

The Greater Denfeld Foundation provides eight annual scholarship awards to Denfeld High School graduating seniors funded through on-going gifts, donations and investments. These one-time awards are designed to recognize exemplary performance during the school’s Honors Night held each spring in Denfeld’s Auditorium.

Greater Denfeld Foundation “Leaders for Life” Award

$5,000  |   4 annually

The Greater Denfeld Foundation “Leaders for Life” Award is the Foundation’s highest honor given to the “best of the best.” The award is granted to four students who clearly exemplify the “Spirit of a Denfeld Hunter,” with a combination of strong academic success, enjoying the respect of the student body and the faculty, while doing everything they can to improve the standing and build up the reputation of Denfeld High School. Students who receive this honor are recognized for their collective contributions to their school and their community which have left a positive and permanent mark.

Greater Denfeld Foundation Hunter of the Year Award

$2,000  |  1 annually

As a special on-going honor throughout the school year, Denfeld has created a program designed to recognize students from each grade as “Hunters of the Month.” These students are selected based on Denfeld’s core values of Spirit, Opportunity, Achievement, and Respect (SOAR). All the candidates’ names are submitted to our Positive Behavioral Intervention Strategies (PBIS) committee every month and two students from each grade are identified to receive this honor. At the end of the school year, all the seniors who have been identified as “Hunters of the Month” are eligible to be named “Hunter of the Year.” The senior who best embodies the SOAR values and has made the most positive impact on the Denfeld High School community is selected. The Greater Denfeld Foundation is proud to include the “Hunter of the Year” recognition in its family of annual scholarship awards.

Headshot of Linda Soderman, namesake of one of the Greater Denfeld Foundation scholarships

Greater Denfeld Foundation Linda Soderstrom Service Award

$2,000  |  1 annually

The Greater Denfeld Foundation has continued to fund this award, first established in 1999 by family and friends of Denfeld Home Economics teacher Linda Soderstrom.  Soderstrom led the development of Denfeld’s Peer Helper and Mediation programs in 1988, and was known for her commitment to helping students through emotional and academic difficulties. She was a teacher and mentor to countless students, helping to instill in them a sense of caring and personal responsibility to their school and community. The award is given to a student who has demonstrated an outstanding commitment to serving their peers, their school and their broader community.

Greater Denfeld Foundation Mark Overland Performing Arts Award

$2,000  |  1 annually

The Greater Denfeld Foundation established the Mark Overland Performing Arts Award to recognize a student who excels in and has been positively influenced by their participation in music or the performing arts programs at Denfeld. Described as a natural teacher, Mark Overland, or Mr. O as “his choir kids” called him, was Denfeld’s choir director for 20 years retiring in 2012, leaving a legacy of nurturing confidence and talent in hundreds of Denfeld’s young performers. He was behind 26 productions in the Denfeld Auditorium and created the show choir groups “Steppin’ Up” and “Solid Gold.” The award is given to a student excelling in and majoring in a music or performing arts degree program.

Greater Denfeld Foundation Stephanie Fehringer STEM Award

$2,000  | 1 annually

The Greater Denfeld Foundation has named its STEM Award in honor of Stephanie Fehringer. Mrs. Fehringer was well known in the Duluth robotics community until her passing in 2024. She and her husband Bruce founded the Denfeld Nation Automation Team 4009 in 2011. Nearly a decade later, the couple served as co-chairs for the regional FIRST Robotics Competition in Duluth. She also helped organize the Arrowhead Robotics Coalition, a group that builds and brings a practice field to the Arrowhead robotics teams in preparation for competitions. Although she was a talented musician, Master Gardener, and Chief Master Sergeant in the Air National Guard, according to Bruce, “Stephanie was known to be always about the students, never about her.”


The award recognizes a student who demonstrates a strong aptitude for exploration and discovery, essential characteristics for success in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math, and who will be pursuing a degree in any of these fields.

Greater Denfeld Foundation Business, Economics, and Accounting (BEA) Award

$2,000  |  1 annually

The BEA (Business, Economics, Accounting) Award was established by the Greater Denfeld Foundation to recognize a student who demonstrates a strong aptitude for the skills and disciplines required for achievement in the world of business and commerce. The BEA Award is given to a student who will be pursuing a Business, Economics or Accounting degree.

Greater Denfeld Foundation Health Science Award

$2,000  |  1 annually

The Health Science Award was established by the Greater Denfeld Foundation to recognize an outstanding student who demonstrates a deep interest in and strong aptitude for the essential disciplines and the personal characteristics necessary for an innovative career in applying science to health. The award is given to a student who will be pursuing a degree in a health-related field.

Greater Denfeld Foundation Trades Award

$2,000  |  1 annually

The Trades Award was established by the Greater Denfeld Foundation to recognize a student who demonstrates strong skills and aptitude for pursuit of a career in any aspect of today’s demanding and high-level trades environment. The award is given to a student pursuing a degree in (but not limited to) a building, industrial or mechanical-related trade career.

Memorial Awards

Headshot of Darin Cannon, namesake of one of the Greater Denfeld Foundation scholarships

Darin Cannon Memorial Scholarship

$1,250  |  1 annually

This memorial scholarship was started in 2006 with the hope of promoting peace among peers in memory of Darin John Cannon who died at age 15 in 1987. Darren was a ninth grader at Morgan Park Junior High School when he lost his life in a scuffle with another student during an after school argument.  Both boys were good students and well-liked athletes. Sadly, Darin had a weak artery in the back of his neck and one unfortunate punch ended his life instantly. 

His family, friends and classmates were shocked that this could happen to such a wonderful young man. Their hope is that this scholarship will forever be a reminder that violence is never the answer to solving conflict, and that it might encourage others to take a stand and try to defuse any situation in which conflict might erupt. Designed to “Promote Peace Among Peers,” the award is given to an athlete who demonstrates these peacemaking characteristics and works hard in school and all other aspects of life.
Headshot of G. Dell Daeado, namesake of one of the Greater Denfeld Foundation scholarships

G. Dell Daedo Leadership Award

$1,000  |  2 annually

In the 1930s George Dell Daedo struggled to scrape together tuition to earn a teaching degree from Duluth State Teachers College. He began his career as a history teacher at Denfeld High School and served as its principal from 1948 until 1963. He later became Director of Duluth Secondary Schools. At his death in 2008, Mr. Daedo bequeathed a gift of $40,000 to help Denfeld students with their future college endeavors. But perhaps more important than the scholarship endowment he left, was his legacy of respect. As a teacher and principal, he taught Denfeld students to respect themselves, each other, their beautiful building, and all the fine Denfeld traditions that had developed over the years. 

Students receiving the Leadership Award should be proud and honored to carry on Mr. Daedo’s legacy of generosity and respect. Recipients should model a generosity of spirit, and conduct themselves in a respectful manner, both in and out of school. The Leadership Award is given to students who demonstrate a combination of leadership, good academics, contributions to the school, and enjoy the respect of the student body and the faculty.
Headshot of Richard Jukich, namesake of one of the Greater Denfeld Foundation scholarships

Richard Jukich Scholarship

$1,000  |  1 annually

The scholarship was established by the family of Richard Jukich to honor his career as an English teacher at Denfeld High School for 27 years before retiring in 1992. Mr. Jukich had a profound passion for English and created a unique bond with his students. As a captivating storyteller with a sharp memory and a kind sense of humor, he enriched his students’ learning and the lives of his grandchildren with his stories. In his memory and for his love of learning and “Hunter Pride,” his family established the Richard Jukich Scholarship. The characteristics that Mr. Jukich admired and rewarded in his students were strong character, a persistent work ethic, citizenship, and a passion and love for learning.

The award is given to a student who demonstrates a combination of these characteristics along with good academics, contributions to Denfeld, has the respect of the student body and the faculty, and who intends to pursue a degree in education.
Headshot of Matt Hero #4, namesake of one of the Greater Denfeld Foundation scholarships

Matt Kero #4 Memorial Scholarship

$1,604  |  2 annually

Matthew Thomas Kero passed away at the age of 18, shortly before he was to start running with the College of St. Scholastica cross-country team. Matt was an accomplished cross-country runner, hockey player and track athlete. For all of Matt’s athletic accomplishments, he was an even greater young man in character and heart. The $1,604 scholarship signifies the 1600 Meter, Matt’s favorite event in track, and his hockey jersey #4. As a competitor, Matt consistently put forth his best efforts to achieve personal and team goals, helping others to reach their goals, while always being respectful to his teammates and opponents. 

These two $1604 scholarships are awarded to student athletes who have balanced athletic achievement, academics, leadership and citizenship throughout their high school careers. Denfeld coaches nominate the candidates.
Headshot of Kelly Kreager, namesake of one of the Greater Denfeld Foundation scholarships

Kelly Kreager Ackerman Scholarship

$1,000  | 1 annually

Kelly Kreager was a 1994 graduate of Denfeld who excelled in everything she set out to accomplish. She earned a perfect 4.0 academic record at Denfeld, was co-captain of the volleyball team, a member of Denfeld’s band, choir, “Solid Gold” show choir, and the National Honor Society. She graduated Magna Cum Laude from the University of Saint Thomas in 1998. Just two years after marrying Scott Ackerman, Kelly passed away in 2004 at the age of 27 after complications from a brief illness.

Kelly and her sister Julia (class of 1989) were third generation Denfeld graduates. Her father Russell (class of 1965) and grandmother Dorothy (Dahl) Kreager (class of 1934), have always taken great pride in Denfeld’s traditions. The school and education are very close to the heart of the Kreager family. Through the generosity of friends, coworkers and family, this scholarship was established to honor Kelly’s memory.

The award is given to a female student attending college in Minnesota who challenges herself to reach her dreams and exhibits leadership, integrity and determination in all her endeavors.

Click to view Never Say Never, a poem by Kelly.
Headshot of Americo “Mertz” Mortorelli, namesake of one of the Greater Denfeld Foundation scholarships

Americo “Mertz” Mortorelli Scholarship

$1,000  |  1 annually

“Mertz” Mortorelli was coach and Athletic Director at the University of Wisconsin-Superior from 1954 to 1985. Coaching wrestling, basketball, tennis, golf, and track, he was inducted into 13 Athletic Halls of Fame. At UWS, Coach Mortorelli served as both coach and mentor for several former Denfeld athletes, and three of his own grandchildren graduated from Denfeld High School. 

The “Mertz” Mortorelli Scholarship makes it possible for the coach to continue to shape young people into great men and women. The scholarship is awarded to a male or female athlete who has participated in four years of high school athletics and is of good academic standing. The recipient must attend a four-year college or university.

Faculty & Staff Donations

The Greater Denfeld Foundation Memorial Fund

$10,000 – $15,000  |  Awarded annually to Denfeld staff members

Every fall, the Greater Denfeld Foundation Memorial Fund provides between $10,000 and $15,000 in donations to teachers and staff of Denfeld High School to enhance the educational experience of the school’s students. Applications are due annually in the fall.


"Students were so excited to have additional motor capabilities for their robot designs in the Robotics 2 class at Denfeld. Sincere thanks to the Greater Denfeld Foundation for helping make this possible!” “I would like to note that this was the first year running the Robotics 2 class, so we did not have many students who had already gone through the Robotics 1 class to take it yet. This expansion to our robotics kits will be an ongoing benefit to the class, and will impact many more additional students in future years. Thank you so much for the help providing students with things they need, not just for my class, but for all the classes you provide funds to assist!”
Greater Denfeld Foundation logo
Andrew Gunderson
Engineering, Manufacturing & Robotics Instructor (Robotics Class Expansion Supplies 2023)
“I greatly appreciate the opportunity to apply for these funds, as they are essential for maintaining an effective and engaging classroom environment. The donation process has been straightforward and supportive, which I truly value. What went well was the clear communication and timely updates throughout the application process, ensuring transparency and ease. Overall, your support significantly impacts our ability to provide quality education, and I am grateful for your consideration of my request. Thank you for investing in our students' learning experiences and helping us create a productive and well-equipped classroom.”
Greater Denfeld Foundation logo
Hailey M Sigafus
General Classroom Necessities
The impact of the practice room sound panels has made practicing music more enjoyable. The rooms are much quieter than before. This will impact future Hunter band members for years to come! Thank you so much for offering these grant opportunities. Your organization has been a great help to the band program at Denfeld, as well as other school groups. Thank you.”
Greater Denfeld Foundation logo
Josh Lehigh
Band Director (Practice Room Sound Panels)
“We had much success. We were able to provide the time, space and equipment for 60-75 kids to use their free time at lunch in a positive and healthy environment. Every single donated ball was used every day, to the point of some of them already wearing out by the end of the year.” I’m paraphrasing assistant principal, Tanya Jackson. “It’s so fulfilling to see the kids just having fun being kids.” (Referencing the positive impact a break like this has on their school day.)
Greater Denfeld Foundation logo
Richard Roseth
Lunch Sports Balls 2023