By Abby Grafmyre
January 1, 2025
The Greater Denfeld Foundation would like to salute the years of dedication provided by Lori Huska, who devoted herself to the Greater Denfeld Foundation for 13 years. From 2011 until her retirement in 2024, Huska contracted with the GDF, starting as the Scholarship Administrator and ending as the Foundation Administrator.
As a first-generation college student, Huska relied on grants, scholarships, and her own funds to make it through college. Understanding the struggles, she knew she could help students of all backgrounds who were looking for help to fund their college educations.
As Administrator, Lori enjoyed working with her fellow board members throughout the GDF’s move from “the analog age to the digital age.” She recalls working tirelessly to update bylaws and create new policies, along with working alongside professionals to develop a new website and upgrade the scholarship application process.
GDF President Gary Eckenberg recalls being a new board member recruited to work on those bylaws, “Lori brought her experience and knowledge from her time with other professional boards to the table. She was able to guide us in establishing the inner workings of a foundation worthy of managing over $8 million in assets.”

Lori (lower right) poses with the Greater Denfeld Foundation board in 2023.
Huska’s biggest highlight was personally connecting with students and watching them succeed. She says, “I loved helping them through nerves or emotional ups and downs. As someone with a nursing degree, I was able to use my training to really connect with them.”
Eckenberg appreciated the stories she could share of GDF scholars as they pursued their college degrees. “Sometimes life’s problems conflicted with their education, and they needed adjustments in our funding process. Lori always projected strong and compassionate assurances that GDF was still there to help,” Eckenberg says.
Huska fondly remembers one student in particular, CJ Ham. The now NFL player and GDF scholarship recipient was “respectful and conscientious,” Huska says. As someone who values connecting with students, she enjoyed watching him prosper and grow, as she did for every GDF recipient. She recalls learning about Ham’s commitment to the NFL; she is still so thrilled for him.
Lori Huska has been a light to everyone within the GDF. Thank you, Lori, for your time, dedication, and impact to the Greater Denfeld Foundation.
Abby Grafmyre is a Hauge Scholarship who attends UMD, majoring in English, Communication, and Journalism.