Foundation stories

DHS Medical Occupations class students pose with their new scrubs - purchased with a 2023 Greater Denfeld Foundation donation from the GDF Memorial Fund - and their medical training mannequin.

Greater Denfeld Foundation Announces Teacher Donations

by Abby Grafmyre
December 1, 2024

While the Greater Denfeld Foundation’s main goal is supporting graduates through scholarships, it also selects teachers, coaches, and staff who offer innovative ideas to Denfeld students receive a meaningful education and provides them with donations. In late November, the GDF announced which teachers would receive donations for the 2024-2025 school year.

These donations are a result of the Greater Denfeld Memorial Fund, which was founded with contributions from Harry Fisher and the Denfeld Class of 1955. The family of Steve Anderson is another generous contributor to this fund. Donations from the Memorial Fund provide teachers with funds for items not covered in regular budgets, allowing students to receive an enhanced educational experience. These most recent donations will go toward, among other things, a Pottery Wheel for the art department, a Journalism class, a German Reader Library, and Stream Study Equipment for the science department.

2023 Robotics donations being utilized by students

2024 Recipients include:

  • Joshua Borchardt, Science Teacher
    Careers in Forensics: $1,500
  • Stephanie Brenning, Art Teacher
    Stained Glass, Jewelry, & Weaving Class: $1,000
  • Jessica Anderson, School Counselor
    Auditorium equipment: $1,500
  • Carrie Conley, Art Teacher
    Ceramics Materials and Pottery Wheel: $1,000
  • Scott Ellison, Special Education Teacher
    Headphones for Learning: $500
  • Ronda Elnes-Schepper, Develop Adapted PE Teacher
    Limited Motion Inclusion Device: $794
  • Hunter Hamby, Band Director
    Keep Our Ukes Safe: $900
  • April Howard, Check & Connect Mentor
    Printer: $500
  • Jill Lofald, Head Speech Coach
    Denfeld Speech Team: $500
  • Rachel Lofald, Choir Teacher & Auditorium Manager
    Auditorium Projection Repair: $1,000
  • Stacia Marsolek, PE Teacher
    World Games: $750
  • Kevin Michalicek, Science Teacher
    Column Chromatography: $458
  • Wade Petrich, Teacher
    Journalism Class: $525
  • Haley Pykkonen, Setting 3 DCD Teacher
    DCD Setting 3: $475
  • Nicole Scharte, German and Civics teacher
    German Reader Library: $500
  • Hailey Sigafus, Spanish Teacher
    Look, I Can Talk!: $535
  • Keely Waechter, Drama Advisor
    One Act Festival: $1,000
  • Alison Wood, Teacher
    Stream Study Equipment Fall: $1,445

In total, $14,882 was allocated towards the success of Denfeld students for the 2024/2025 academic year, which will undoubtedly enable students to thrive and excel.

Since 1971, the Greater Denfeld Foundation has strived to support Duluth Denfeld High School students by providing awards and scholarships for their post-secondary education expenses, along with donations to staff to ensure students have access to a valuable and enriching educational experience.

Abby Grafmyre is a Hauge Scholarship who attends UMD, majoring in English, Communication, and Journalism.